Something I found very useful. Since I could now stream the video to my N770 from my desktop PC, I no longer need to rely on the memory card to play my media files; also, I am no longer limited by the size of the RS-MMC card.
What you need to do the Streaming?
Below batch file I used to start the streaming using VLC:
vlc.exe movie-filename --sout=#transcode{vcodec=mp4v,vb=256,width=320,height=240,acodec=mpga,ab=
Let's go thru the different part in the command,
Bring up telnet and use the below command to start mplayer to play the movie:
mplayer -cache 4096
The URL has to match with the values you used in the VLC command.
For the cache value, you may use a lower value for faster startup. Do remember a lower cache may cause problem when you seek to different positions in the movie.
What you need to do the Streaming?
- VLC Media Player - you need this to stream the video. I am using the Windows version but I believe the platforms should work as well
- MPlayer for maemo - player to play the media files on your N770. The software should be available for installation from the Application Manager on N770
- Telnet client - you need this to start MPlayer in command line. I know it's no good. It is available from the Application Manager on N770
Below batch file I used to start the streaming using VLC:
vlc.exe movie-filename --sout=#transcode{vcodec=mp4v,vb=256,width=320,height=240,acodec=mpga,ab=
Let's go thru the different part in the command,
- This is the video and audio codec I used and the video/audio bitrate I am using. Others have mentioned the use of WMV format but I found it too slow on my N770.
- Size of the output stream. For 16:9 movies, you may use 400x224
- Streaming mode. I haven't used other options
- Format of the container stream. I noticed others said they are using mpeg but again, it works too slow on my machine. asf provides me the best experience
- IP address and port number where the movie will be streamed to. Change this to match IP address of your machine and select any port you like
Bring up telnet and use the below command to start mplayer to play the movie:
mplayer -cache 4096
The URL has to match with the values you used in the VLC command.
For the cache value, you may use a lower value for faster startup. Do remember a lower cache may cause problem when you seek to different positions in the movie.
I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Ethical concerns aside... I just hope that as technology further innovates, the possibility of copying our memories onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's a fantasy that I daydream about every once in a while.
(Posted on Nintendo DS running [url=]R4[/url] DS FPost)