Reading ebook on my PSP

Among the mobile devices I have, PSP, Dopod 838Pro and Nokia N770, reading ebook on PSP actually provides me the best experience. I am using bookr. Screen is bright, text is clear and response time is not bad at all.

The only problem I have being it's inability to handle large PDF file (or files with lost of images inside) due to it's slower CPU (compare to the desktop PC) and small memory size. To workaround the problem, normally, I would split the file into mtuliple small PDF files. A PDF print driver would be able to solve the problem easily. My favourite being PDF995 and PDFConverter. PDF995 is a shareware and could be used free of charge for personal use. PDFConverter is a GPL application based upon Ghostscript.

In case the splitting the file into smaller ones could not solve the problem, I will cover the PDF into JPG files and use a PSP app pspComic to read the JPG files. That's works fine for me too even though it takes me a while before I figured out I could use ImagicMagik and Ghostscript on Windows to do the conversion. If you are looking for the solution as well, below the command line you may use to convert the PDF (of course after installing ImageMagik and Ghostscript on your machine). The output file will be named page001.jpg, page002.jpg and so on.

convert.exe -density 100 abc.pdf page%03d.jpg

You are free to use a different density value for different image quality (the higher the better). Filesize will be larger when a better quality is specified. To convert part of the file, you may specify the page number next to the pdf file. E.g. the following converts page 1 to 5,

convert.exe -density 100 abc.pdf[1-5] page%03d.jpg
