Reading Audio Books on a Nokia 5230

The default music player works fine for me. I just have to mark the MP3 files as podcast and the rest works out perfectly.

Before you move the mp3 files into your handset, make sure the following MP3 tags are properly set,
  • 'Genre': must be 'Podcasts'
  • 'Album Title': name of the book. If your your files are ripped from multiple CDs, you may consider to set the title to different CD. E.g. 'book name CD1'
  • 'Track Number': order of the files
To listen to the books, go to Music Player and select Podcast. From the Podcast menu, I normally select the books by title and then you will see all files of the book you have selected.

The music player is not good enough to remember which file you have last opened. On the other hand, it remembers, for each file whether you have listen the complete file and the position you have listened to. And I think this is good enough (actually, better than the standard applications on the Windows Mobile machine).
